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Renato Medeiros RenatoasMedeiros
I like development

Worker and Student

Pedro Trindade frealaf
🚀 Robotics Enthusiast | Autonomous Systems Explorer 🎓 CS Student @ IPLeiria | @FSLART Autonomous Driving 🤖 Innovating in robotics @Dommify

@Dommify | @FSLART Leiria

Maximilian Olschewski karabiberym
I'm a computer science student with a passion for programming, especially in C++ and Python. I love playing video games and learning about new technologies.


João Mota joaomotap
Business Developer at VOID Software

VOID Software Leiria, Portugal

Carlos Tojal carlostojal
Computer Science

Bombarral, PT

Pedro Ferreira perdo1305

ESTG - IPLeiria Torres Novas, PT

Diogo Alpendre dalpendre
Student of Computer Engineering at ESTG - Leiria Polytechnic Institute.

@ESTG-IPLeiria Lisbon, Portugal

Welp i guess that will do.