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hoho2b chAwater
Fun Hunter | Biotech PhD | Data Painter | Deep Learner

Beijing, China

Scientific Officer

ACTREC Navi Mumbai

Jake Flynn jakeflynn56
Masters in Data Science Student @ UW

Seattle, WA

Nicolas Jonsson vxh357
PhD Student @ University of Copenhagen | Computational biology | Structural bioinformatics | Machine learning

University of Copenhagen

Hong Qin hongqin
artificial intelligence, machine learning, health science, public health, data science, computational biology, mathematical biology

Old Dominion University U.S.A.

Nikhil Patkar's Research Group at ACTREC, Tata Memorial Center patkarlab
This is the github repository of Prof Nikhil Patkar's research group at ACTREC, Tata Memorial Center, India

Department of Hematopathology, Tata Memorial Center Kharghar, Navi Mumbai