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Lyoneel lyoneel
All ground developer, specialized in Java/Kotlin, 24/7 linux user, gamer, football lover, gamer, tech explorer, writer (?) or something like. Always learning

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hugo librehugohu
志比山高远, 心比海阔静。 努力成为一名开源创作者。



Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

青文 shanfl
昨夜星辰昨夜风 画楼西畔桂堂东
Qinyi Cai HlG4399

Xiamen University Xiamen

Christian <kimo> B. kimocoder
If you give me a toy, the first thing I'd do is take it apart to figure out how it works.

@aircrack-ng Norway

Jonas jonasermert

Germany, Thüringen, Erfurt

Luciano admred
Hello! Tec. System Programmer | Networking | Sysadmin 🐧

San Luis Argentina

Pierre ✺ gllmt
Front-End Web Developer.

France & Remote

blazer blazerza97

South Africa

Yaukey yaukeywang
Game developer.


Matteotti Matteotti
I want to sleep 15 hrs a day : (

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Gamous gamous


A guy who loves programming.
Antoine antoine1anthony
coder that loves art & tech | Builder of Digital Dreams

Bay Area, CA

chiefvorpal SpongeBobWillReignSupreme
I love SpongeBob.

Treedomeprogramming United States

Senior Graphics Engineer at Spliced Inc. | Ex-Amazon Lumberyard, O3DE
Carl-Y HH45137
Hello everyone I'm from china.

nullptr China Mainland