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Andrés Duhour aduhour
Ecología del Suelo. Universidad Nacional de Luján
南山少帅Felix felixng1988

University of Zurich Interlaken, Canton of Bern, 3800, Switzerland

Mohamed Othman hasn717
Software Engineer | GIS | MSc. Software Engineering

TomTom Dubai

OMID Zamani OmidZamani
Tiny DevOps Guy

Freekancing Currently, Iran!

Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen mikini
father, thinker, minimalist, global soul, free software & culture proponent, sw developer

Mikini Services Esbjerg, Denmark

Hel Nershing Thapa HelNershingThapa
getting there, slowly 🐢

@KathmanduLivingLabs Kathmandu, Nepal

Salim Baidoun salimbaidoun-tomtom
Hello everyone! I’m Salim, a Partnerships & Community Manager at TomTom. I’m passionate about basketball 🏀, watching movies 📽️, and series.
