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Breton Breton2913169045
Northwestern Polytechnical University

Northwestern Polytechnical University XI'AN,SHANNXI,CHINA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd



Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Abdullah bin Ammar A222moq3e
I like development new things, and I work in Pentest field.

Sadia Arabia

Denis Radin PixelsCommander
Applying NASA coding guidelines to JavaScript since 2004, org React Summit, JSNation, ReactDayBerlin. WebGL, IDM, climbing. Google Dev Expert.

@GitNation Foundation

Jishnu M M ThePyWizard
BTech Student @CUSAT | MERN Stack | Python | Designer
iukkeopaa iukkeopaa
Slow is fast and People who like to toss and explore
Marlon Romero Castro mromerocastro
3D and VFX Technical Artist | Crafting Interactive Experiences | I leverage cutting-edge technologies like Computer Vision to create interactive and immersive X

BII XR Costa Rica



Sugar WuTao-CS

Zhejiang University Zhejiang

Mahan Rahmani Mahan-Rahmani
My name is Mahan Rahmani and I'm a Programmer , IT specialist , Graphic Designer and 3D Modeller from Iran I work with Python , Dart , HTML , CSS and other..

تِن آموز Mashhhad , Iran

Adnan Ahmed adnahmed
Computer Scientist

Islamabad, Pakistan

Nick Bauer nickfixit
Quixotic IT versatilist and software/hardware craftsman. Thoughts are my own.

8wire - Sin City PC - Elitebench - Phoenix Las Vegas, NV

Jatin Pawar Jatin-Pawar
AR Enthusiast | Developer | Explorer | Fast Learner

DreamAR Delhi

Xiangyue-Zhang Xiangyue-Zhang
Master Student@WHU; Bachelor@CSU; Internship @alibaba Focus on motion generation/video generation.
21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Yangkai.Shen xkcoding

@Programming-With-Love @lets-mica @pig-mesh Hangzhou, China

Runjie Yan runjie-yan
I am a undergraduate student in Tsinghua university, IIIS.
Zijian Zhou franciszzj
CS PhD student at KCL | Research Scientist Intern at Meta

King's College London London

Liu Xuan SimonLiu61

National University of Singapore Singapore

Xuanyu Zhang xuanyuzhang21

Peking University Shenzhen, China

Sunqi Fan fansunqi
Undergraduate Student

Tsinghua University Beijing

Brian Qu Coobiw
Master @ PKU . Focus on VLM. Ex Intern @IDEA-FinAI @01-ai @rhymes-ai .

Peking University

Wenhao Chai rese1f
University of Washington

University of Washington Seattle, US

Zeyi Sun SunzeY
Research Intern@Shanghai AI Lab in CV, PhD student@SJTU

SJTU Shanghai, China

Zewei Liu Nick-0814
Always stay positive and maintain an open and honest attitude.

Northeastern University(NEU) Shenyang, China

DoBetter xdobetter

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Yan XIA IsshikiHugh
CS undergraduate @ Zhejiang University.

Zhejiang University