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( emmanuel adolphus johnson ) Duke of Bedford JohnsonEmmanuelA-Chit-Chat
hand·book noun: A book giving information such as facts Chit-Chat & ChatterBox isthisreallyon LLC Apple Inc. Free cash flow.

handbook London

Fritz ‘Fido’ The CAT Fritz8887


Corey Boelkens sirgaladad
After years in tech and product management, I’m finally diving into developing on my own—building projects that solve real-world problems for myself and others.

Cobobots Little Rock AR

MedaCanna dvillalobosb201
Medical Cannabis Clinic and services
Sam SamTheSoftwareEngineer
Hi, my name is Sam. I recently graduated from a coding bootcamp where I was learning full stack development. Actively seeking my first role!


João Capela Ribeiro jcapels
PhD student at University of Minho, Co-founder and collaborator of OmniumAI.

University of Minho and OmniumAI Braga, Portugal

Ana Lisa Sutherland The-Beez-Kneez
My name is two words, please use both.

Seattle, WA

John Crowe cryptic-mystic
Writin' code, singin' songs

@Leafly-com Austin, TX