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Luana Gomes luana00gomes
/* Mechatronics Engineer - Robotics & AI Enthusiast */ applyBeautifulCode(); getBeautifulUI();


Marton Tasnadi kistasi
‘98 | drama aspirant | software developer | waldorf | freeszfe | budapest | he/him

Software Developer Budapest, Hungary

Jon Ursenbach erunion
API Engineer

@readmeio San Francisco

Jacky K. Lai JackyKLai
UofT CompSci Survivor

Vena Solutions Toronto

Mark Treviño matrev
Software Engineer
Daniel Carnagey Dar34

Lexington, SC, USA

Justin Bassett-Green jtbg
where we're going, we don't need tests 🚢 alum @producthunt, @reddit

@producthunt Chicago

Mudit Jain Jain-m3392
Computer science student at the University of Toronto.
Meetali Kapse meetalik8
learning everyday


Jay jmcruz14
trying to figure out tech all the time | Aspiring Data Scientist/Engineer & Software Dev


Igor Menezes igormzs
Product Designer


Harvey harveyrandall
Frontend React Developer

No Isolation London

Axel Aguirre aguirreaxel
Estudiante de programación y análisis de sistemas.
Mark Whitaker markwhitaker
I'm a software developer based in the UK, working mostly with C# and .NET.

@portswigger Manchester, UK

Matthew Buchanan matthewbuchanan

Letterboxd, Cactuslab Auckland, New Zealand

Victor Machado vh-machado
Técnico em Informática pelo Instituto Federal do Pará (IFPA). Atualmente cursando Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Belém, PA