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Joey Lee joeyklee
Your friendly, neighborhood creative technologist.


John J. Dziak dziakj1
Statistician, computer programmer 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 Penn State graduate

University of Illinois at Chicago Old Forge, PA, USA

Rus Zhuravchak rustrd

Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim

Brad bdhendri
Founder of IntelektAI

IntelektAI Indiana

Ryan McMinds rmcminds

Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Olympia, Washington

Venu VThandlam
Earth and Planetary Science explorer, Data and Scientific Researcher

Uppsala University Sweden

mehdi abouzahir Mehdi-DataE
A data scientist that enjoys learning and experimenting with new tools.
PhD Student in Integrated Fisheries Lab, Dalhousie Uni
John H. WxAnalyst
Just an IT guy who thinks he can code.
Luiz Rodrigo Hamada luizrhamada
Engeneering and physicist former. In constantly formation about Data Science. A hard-working enthusiast of Machine Learning.

Florianópolis, SC

Shuang Song SongshGeo
A Geographer who also travels.

Beijing Normal University Beijing, China

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

DiegoM DiegoMacall
Agricultural Economist
Abhiram abhiramm7

Xylem Washington DC

David Lopez lopezdp
go hard in the paint.

Miami, FL

Caitlin Spence cmspence
Scientific programming for civic climate adaptation and resilience.


John Michael Darrin JohnMichaelD
Frontend Developer | UX/UI Designer | Data Visualization

Advanced Symbolics Inc New York, NY

Thomas Stogoski tjstogoski
Student of Earth Data Analytics - Foundations graduate certificate program at UC Boulder. Technician at Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve. Saxophonist.


Brandon Noirot StrayLightNoirot
NOAA GML: Ozone and Water Vapor group

Boulder, CO

Geoffrey Walters geoffrey-walters
Development and Operational Hydrologist (DOH)-Northwest River Forecast Center

National Weather Service @NOAAGov Portland, OR

Michael Kelly Mikekellydev

Mike Kelly Development USA

Salihu Sabiu Musa SalihuSMusa
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Interested in Mathematical Epidemiology.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong

Jason Howell thejasonhowell
amateur radio operator. very amateur coder.


Fernando Aristizabal fernando-aristizabal
Scientist experimenting with remote sensing, machine learning, partial differential equations, flood inundation mapping, and geospatial sciences.

ERT Florida, USA

Stefan LeBel stefanlebel
Engineer, scientist, hobby programmer.

Montreal, Canada

Heather Scheer NuttyCoder
Graphic Information Technology, UX Designer, Front-End Developer , Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Vacaville, CA

Habtamu Tamiru Habte1345
I am currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Houston, majoring in Civil Engineering.

University of Houston Houston, Texas