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Steve Kaschimer skaschimer
I am a seasoned Senior Consultant at Slalom, with over 20 years of experience in the tech industry.

Detroit, MI

Masaki Iwai tamasan238
NW / Linux / Security | Student Intern, wolfSSL

Kyushu Institute of Technology Fukuoka, Japan

Jack Thumnurat pakcaj

NIPA Technology Co., Ltd

Carmine Bufano bufanoc
Cloud, hybrid, network virtualization

New York

Eishun Kondoh shun159
An unintended script kiddie 💻


Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
Randy Bias randybias
If you know, you know...

Mirantis Philippines

Cuong. Duong Manh cuongpiger

@university_of_science Vietnam

Jeeraput Supaapinun lungdear

NIPA Techonology Co.,LTD Thailand

Tek tekchansin
CTO at Nipa Cloud

Nipa Cloud Thailand

Denis Babarykin DenisBabarykin
Master of Science in Software Engineering, .NET backend developer and teacher in university.


Christopher Adigun infinitydon
System/Infrstructure administrator with keen interest in cloud, automation, nfv, containers, k8s, openstack and coding

United States

Alexandre Mattioli alexandremattioli
Cloud Architect at Shapeblue


Danny Vernals dannyvernals
I'm a network engineer at heart so the code you find might be pretty inelegant. Use it at your own risk! ;)

Taliesin Solutions

Aleksei Kharinskii cegorah
Cloud builder, Mealtune founder.

Mealtune Bangkok

Matvey Kraposhin mkraposhin
Open Source Software, C++, SDN, Fluids & Gases