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Yomna Mohamed YumiA
Engineering Student at Imperial College London, Quantum Machine Learning Enthusiast, Author of 📖 Future Enterprise: Quantum Computing & Artificial Intelligence

Imperial College London London

Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

xiaoshe xiaoshecode
A PHD Student in Tsinghua IIIS.

Tsinghua University China,Beijing


Avanzaretech Virtual Sdn Bhd Putrajaya

qwerty94 guozc12

Coherence and Quantum Technology, TU/e Netherlands

Michael Hartmann michael-hartmann
Physicist and developer.

Infineon Munich

Robert Niffenegger rniffenegger
Assistant Professor UMass Amherst Trapped ion quantum computing

UMass Amherst

Guangcheng ElonDormancy
Do not go gentle into that good night


Timo Sarkar sartimo
building cool things


Anantha S Rao Anantha-Rao12
Physicist studying quantum stuff | PhD Physics @ UMD | BS-MS @ IISER-Pune

University of Maryland College Park

Ahmet Kemal Cavusoglu ahmetkcavusoglu
Embedded Software Engineer


David Nadlinger dnadlinger
Quantum physicist/programming language geek. (formerly known as @klickverbot)

Oxford, UK (he/ħim)

postdoctoral research associate @OxfordIonTrapGroup. Former PhD student at JQC Durham-Newcastle working on Ultracold RbCs

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

AJ Rasmusson ajrazander
Dad, husband, and PhD physics student simulating quantum systems via trapped Yb+ ions.