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Artem1I9a ArtemII9a
languages: rus, eng, jap, arm

IT Projects Armenia

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Alice Truc altrc
Doctorante en histoire de l'art et humanités numériques (Rennes 2 / UdeM)
Grant Barrett grantbarrett
Technology, Marketing, Content, Linguistics, Lexicography

San Diego, CA

DevSoftUK devsoft-uk
We are digital transformation specialists and we automates document capture & communication between businesses.

Dev Soft UK Ltd London

Michael R. Hunsaker mrhunsaker
Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments who brings 15+ years of behavioral neuroscience experience and an analytical approach to special education

Hunsaker Consulting, L3C Farmington, UT