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Shane Voirin shanevoirin-rvw
I'm not very talkative.

Red Van McKinney, TX

Brian Tubb brtubb-patagonia
Technical Architect and Site Reliability Engineer @PatagoniaWorks

Patagonia Ventura, CA

Garry Wilmeth PattyGDUB

Patagonia Ventura, CA

Lucia lulubytt

Patagonia Cleveland, OH

Antonia Mugisa antoniamugisa
4th Year Computer Science student, Dalhousie University | Aspiring Software Engineer | Java | Python | C

Halifax, NS

Peter Schmalfeldt peter-schmalfeldt
I have over 25 years of experience building eCommerce websites to design, develop & deploy eCommerce applications for Web, Mobile & Desktop platforms.

@PatagoniaWorks Gig Harbor, WA

M. Andrade thiscodes4u
Senior Developer based in Chicago, IL
