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Seokhyun Choung s-choung
Postdoctoral Researcher @ RIAM SNU Computational Catalysis for Sustainable energy and synthesis


Lamide Ogundeji misterola
Engineer | Problem solver | Building valuable things
Yuji Ikeda yuzie007
Computational material scientist🇯🇵🤝🇺🇦

Universität Stuttgart Stuttgart

Murat Keçeli keceli

Argonne National Laboratory

Florencia Caro florenciacaromartinez
MSc. Chemical Engineer

Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de la República Uruguay

Anish Rao anishrao

University of Fribourg Switzerland

Adam Erickson admercs
Founder of @nervosys; Early co-founder of Wingcopter; Pioneer of AI for Earth science, hybrid AI land models. Where Software <> Hardware.

@nervosys Earth

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Raul Diaz diazr04
Chemical Engineer working on Computational Catalysis

Virginia Tech Blacksburg

Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Just do it :-)

Institute of Physics, CAS Beijing, China

Jacob Hirschi LinusP217
Chem grad student at OSU

Oregon State University Oregon, USA

Asubiaro Precious Precious025
Software Engineer (Flutter | Golang).


Curtis Chong curtischong
I love Vim, cross validation and Taylor Swift's music. I'm coding programs to discover new materials

UW SoftEng 2023 Waterloo, ON

Honghui Kim honghuikim
PhD student @ KAIST ChBE

KAIST Daejeon, Korea

Cassim Ahmed Attia cassimahmedattia
Cyber & Info. Data Sec. Pro., IT & Info. Sec. Mgmt. Consulting, Cloud Management, Information Management, DevOps and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

@alnafi @The-Intelligent-Thinker

Sudheesh Kumar Ethirajan skethirajan
Ph.D. candidate (Prof. Kulkarni's group), University of California, Davis

Davis, CA, USA

Shibu Meher Shibu778
Ph.D. Student, Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Indian Institute of Science Bangalore Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Guobin Zhao sxm13

Pusan National University Korea Busan


UC Berkeley & Berkeley Lab Berkeley

Markus Rauhalahti mrauha
independent researcher (applied metascience and HCI) :: phd in computational chemistry :: nerding hard
Nikhil Singh nikyadav002
Research Scholar at IITD
Feroz Khan ferozxkhan
i'm fascinated by the stars, and that's who i'm.
Alicia M. Elliott aliciaeMIT
PhD student in @shortlab multiphysics/materials science computationalist-turned-experimentalist. Bridging the gap between computation and experiment.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (@shortlab) Cambridge, MA

Rubén Laplaza rlaplaza
Digital chemist, mostly speaks python.


Seongjoo Jung seongjoojung

University of Minnesota

Christina Ertural QuantumChemist
Full-stack Quantum Chemist, PostDoc at @BAMresearch, autoplex ( dev, former LOBSTER ( dev. Berlin, Germany

Wenhao Gao wenhao-gao
I'm currently a PhD student in ChemE at MIT. I'm interested in developing systematical molecular design and synthesis protocols.

Cambridge, MA

Steven Bennett stevenkbennett
Researcher at @orbital-materials

@ImperialCollegeLondon London

Gabe Gomes gabegomes
Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University with the @gomesgroup | Departments of Chemistry + ChemEng
Ian Buckley roguetrainer
Quantum quant Community & partnership lead at Agnostiq Previously systemic financial risk

Agnostiq Toronto

Killian Sheriff killiansheriff
@mit DMSE Ph.D. Candidate | @McGillUPhysics graduate | Doing Materials Science + AI research to better understand high-entropy alloys.

MIT Cambridge, MA

differentiable molecular dynamics

@generatebio Cambridge

kq-wang kaiqi-wang

East China Normal University shanghai

Carlos Bornes carlosbornes
Postdoctoral researcher at Charles University working on modelling zeolites using DFT and machine learning. Still do some solid-state NMR.

Charles University Czech Republic

Santosh kumar santoshkumarradha
Quantum computing /AI-ML | Theoretical Condensed matter physicist. Apart from physics, I work in the intersection of math, music, physics and CS

@AgnostiqHQ Cleveland, Ohio

Rohith Srinivaas M rohithsrinivaas
Graduate Student Researcher @ UC Berkeley, Ex-Data Scientist. B.Tech & M.Tech, IIT Madras.

Berkeley Lab Berkeley, California, United States

Yue-Wen Fang yw-fang
Aloha! Peace ❤️ ukulele! 🎸 🌿

Spanish National Research Council

Aakash Ashok Naik naik-aakash
Doctoral candidate at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung and at University of Jena, Germany.

Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung Berlin