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Krish Bhatti kriba24
1st-Year Cybersecurity at Rochester Institute of Technology

Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY

Sly slytechroot
IT professional and enthusiast security engineer, white/black hat, born defender. OSCP, eCIR, CCSP, SSCP.


0xArrow iiArrow
Reverse Engineering & Malware Analysis 😈💾
Adam Hassan Adamkadaban

University of Florida

Ibrahim ibrahimfe
this is where i put all of my project, still have to learn many things to become an expert

Banten, Indonesia

Drew Young drew-young
Just trying to learn some code things
Jarrett Signoretti JSignoretti
Cybersecurity Student at Eastern Michigan University. Board Member of @emu-iasa

@emu-iasa Michigan

Dimitrios Skrettas dskretta
Infosec enthusiast and avid CTF player

Eastern Michigan University

Nicholas O'Brien Cictrone
I do Cryptography stuff

Google Virginia

Shane Chiu pwn2ooown
I pwn things sometimes. @NCKUCTF

National Cheng Kung University Taiwan

Nick njg7716
Lukas May lukasmay
I am a current RIT student, majoring in Cybersecurity.

Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester New York

jackson5 jackson5sec
D3n1s.Net D3n1sNet
Ich, der Ersteller, bin nicht verantwortlich für Handlungen und/oder Schäden, die durch diese Software verursacht werden. Sie tragen die volle Verantwortung

dToolz Was y

Hal Williams hfw8271
RIT Computer Security Student
Oleksandr Maniukhin sandrinus
2nd year Cybersecurity student at RIT

Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY

Sylvie sy1vi3
Lord of the IoT Lord-of-the-IoT
15 year old from the UK. why sniff cocaine when you can sniff WiFi packets ;)


@humanaoffsec @Hacker-Hermanos

Myles Nieman niemanmyles
Software Engineering, Redteaming, Reverse Engineering, 🐢
Michael mav8557
Software Engineer and Red Teamer, Linux and FOSS enjoyer. Former ISTS CA and Red Team @ritsec @RITRedteam





Honolulu, Hawaii

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Hulto hulto
Red Teamer | Developer | Infrastructure as Code enjoyer
Lukas Peters c0untingNumbers
3rd year Computing Security student at Rochester Institute of Technology

@ritsec Rochester, NY