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Jose Ramirez reapbooster
Sr Software and Infrastructure Engineer

@vrsllc Los Angeles, CA

N1ck3nd N1ck3nd
Offensive Security Specialist

@SensePost Greater Orlando

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally Yemen kingdom 🌚

Omar Ahmed 0xcyb3rw0lf
Computer Scientist. DevOps, Cloud, Cybersecurity :: ISC2 CC + eJPT + eCPPT.


shiyan sh1yan
Enjoy , and never stop learning !
Pratham Jaiswal pantha704
just using the brain i got

Milky Way

McCarthyLabs McCarthyLabs
ZhangSan RDPMind
Without a cold to the bone, which have the plum blossom fragrance pubi
Sp4ms Sp4ms
Just your friendly neighborhood Sp4m-man.

Rapid City, SD

Deranged0tter Deranged0tter
wannabe threat actor, actually just a shitty malware developer
Drone Drone-spec
Cheese Supreme, Leading political candidate for President of Mars,
AppSec and Pentesting. Some DevSecOps stuff. SAST/DAST. Retro gaming nerd.
Rowan Chapman rchapman83
IT Pro // Hacker // Drinker of Ales


TechSquad Inc. TcchSquad

TechSquad Inc. Valdosta, GA

HelloKitty Hnisec
my name is John Smith. I’m from the United States and I’m currently a college student at XYZ University. My major is computer science.
Thomas Galarneau Hamiltonius
Small time programmer/big time government data and diplomacy enthusiast. Proficient in contracting, with a registered LLC focused on computer training.

Collins Aerospace REMOTE

the scriptest kid u know
SecurityShrimp f8al
Red Teamer and security researcher Ex Splunk security architect for the largest non-government Splunk cluster in the world.

Omaha, Ne

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