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Jerry Guo Guoo123
Applied Mathematics Ph.D.

Lehigh University Bethlehem

Kalen Josifovski KalenJosifovski
I am a synthetic organic chemist with experience in formulations and pharmaceutical R&D. Currently learning intricacies of cheminformatics.
Erbil Can Artun erbilcanartun
complexity researcher & data scientist

TÜBİTAK Research Institute for Fundamental Sciences

Glenn Koh gkming1125
Data Navigator | Data Analyst | FP&A

London UK

Swathi Anil swathianil
PhD candidate in computational neuroscience, University of Freiburg. Visiting PhD, Imperial College London

Imperial College London London

Jigar Parekh jigarparekh279
As a developer of a proprietary software, my GitHub activity has been limited since 2022.

German Aerospace Center (DLR) Braunschweig, Germany

James Ashford JELAshford
Machine Learning Researcher and Data Scientist, formerly PhD student at the University of Oxford in the @SahakyanLab.


Govindraj Singh Virdee govindvirdee
Data Scientist - Former CERN Particle Physicist and Research Fellow
Srikanth Subramanian scaling-physics
Data Scientist | Theoretical physicist possessed by a profound curiosity for the domains of AI/ML, Computer Vision, and NLP, and their applications in business

Data Scientist Marburg

PhD student in palaeobiology

University of Bristol

Jiangrui Qian JiangruiQ
Final year PhD student

Oxford Oxford, UK

Iris hiris25
Neuroscientist studying the fundamentals of neural communication using the tiny nematode worm, C. elegans.

University of Cambridge Cambridge UK

Kevin Prinsloo kevinprinsloo
GenAI Solution Architect & Neuroscientist. Sky UK. Currently developing AI and data science solutions across the portfolio. NLP & LLMs, AI, ML

Sky London, UK

Zhenlin Zhu zhenlin87
Now is the BEST time! πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ ✈️ 🐱 πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ πŸ’» 🍲 πŸ₯€ πŸ“–


Fabian eor
Research Software Engineering | High Performance Computing | Astrophysics | Machine Learning | Data Science

London, UK