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Zbigniew or Zbyszek zbynio414
With a 10+ years of experience in Production Controlling Analysis I would like to make a change towards more IT advanced business support. Learning Python & JS.

Unemployed Poland

AbouRayene AbouRayene
Search for upgrading my knowldge

World wide

Piotr Świątkiewicz pswiatki
SW engineer in the automotive industry. Mainly focused on infotaiment - radio reception (DAB), online radio, hybrid radio.

Wrocław, POLAND

Harald Kirkerød haraball

Offenbach am Main, Germany

Marcin Nowosiadły Basmart

Basmar Limited Ireland

Kajidataonline ismailsakdo
Creator, Scientist, Lecturer & Analyst. I am happy to learn from you & sharing my knowledge with others. Feel free to comment and connect with me.

Founder: Malaysia

Maxio itsMaxio

@Ciasteczkarnia your mom

Sohail Iqbal ch3ckmat3
Technologist at large. Entrepreneur. Learner. Mentor. Thinker. Maker.

Orison Tech ( Islamabad, Pakistan

Kuba QB4-dev
Embedded Linux & microcontroller software developer


Myles Bartlett mylesbartlett72
I program in Python and I can use SQL. I like to fix spelling, grammar, and styling. The email displayed is almost never checked. I hate censorware.
Houyem H-charmy
Computer engineering student
