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dToolz Was y

AHMED ELSAYED @csgaee csgaee
Malware Research | Reverse Engineering | Threat Intelligence


Tim Farley krelnik

Atlanta, Georgia

Tim Ehrhart tehrhart
Leading @rochesecurity, trying to make things a little bit better

@roche Basel, Switzerland

Data breach revealed,         Malware lurks, silent, stealthy -    OSINT tracks the thread.
Cerebral Mischief CerebralMischief
Red Team, Exploit and Tools Development, Security Engineer, Collector of source code, and code hacker.
Shahriar Shanto ShahriarShanto
Software Engineering | Cybersecurity

BDCOM Dhaka, Bangladesh

Martin Thuo hartl3y94
Security Researcher

Hartley94 Kenya

Jiri S. yrjo

@Noibit Czech Republic

Michael Moran Donovoi
An Iteration on a theme Melbourne

HadesNull HadesNull123

Hades root@localhost

Just Code It! SSBMb3ZlIEh1bnRpbmcvRmluZGluZyB0aGluZ3MgYW5kIHdvdWxkbid0IGJlIHBvc3NpYmxlIHdpdGhvdXQgdGhlIGhlbHAgZnJvbSBhbGwgdGhlIGFtYXppbmcgT1NTIGNvbnRyaWJ1dG9y
Simon Leung puzzithinker
Web3/ Cyber Security/ Fintech
十三chan Pegasus-E
业余安全研究员 北海道末位漏洞猎人

Notice Caramel Tokyo

Shiv4x6c Shiva108
Infrastructure Penetration Tester, Red Team Leader, Founder CPH:SEC.

CPH:SEC Copenhagen, Denmark

Jesse ultros
Information Security

san secuestro

Saad Azghour saadazghour
Software Engineer 🐍💻🐍

Somewhere in Morocco

Rise wsfengfan
承接高难度渗透测试和溯源项目 WX:Signboards
xiaonan Ghost-xiaonan
Either outstanding or out
Mason Stone MasonStone
Founder of SyberStone. Focusing on research and development in Machine Learning wrapped around offensive and defensive tactics in Cyber-Security.

@SyberStone Florida

"The Future is now" "A persistência é o caminho do êxito."

McCarthyLabs McCarthyLabs
Ihebski ihebski
Security Engineer
Carlo Denaro blackout314
Passionate technology user, Enthusiast early adopter of Blockchain, Seriuos and steady Fullstack Engineer, Lover of Computer Security.