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Mike Mathew m2mathew
Software Engineer @callemall, Co-Founder @presto-assistant, Always learning

Text-Em-All, Presto Assistant Dallas, TX

iamlegh iamlegh

iamlegh Rennes FR

Nathan Searles nathansearles
I'm the Technical Director at @StudioMega, where I lead our digital projects with a focus on accessibility, UX, and design.

@StudioMega Portland, Oregon

Heath Flohre heathflohre

Elevation Advertising Richmond, VA

Tommy Williams wommy

technomad Detroit, MI

James Patrick Gibson jamespatrickgibson
Free agent designer and technologist. Ξnthusiast.
ginger gingerchew
Self taught since March of 2017 Web Developer

somewhere else

Francis Xavier fwazeter
Francis Xavier / Frank Wazeter. Programming since ~1998, Public Speaker, Digital Mastery Columnist for Inc. Magazine.
Russell Brian Fulache Dugaduga Jale Palma RussPalms
Self-taught tech enthusiast in CA. Passionate about ML, Quantum Computing, Python automation, and web development. Aspiring ML Quantum Computationist. 🎶🚀🌱

PalmaView L.L.C. Colton, CA

max frühschütz mfru
webdev, foss, lisp, scheme

Independent Vienna