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Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Kamal Romero kamecon
Macroeconomics | Data Science | Teaching

Madrid, Spain

Rami S. Jaber RamiSJ12
Chief Software Engineer at Data Pirates Agency🔹Open for Remote Jobs and Freelancing.

Data Pirates Agency

Pablo Fdez. Mesa pfdezmesa
I am graduated in Sociology. I work in database management and data analysis. I work with R, SQL and Python.

Granada (Spain)

Laura J. Giraldo-Kalil ljgiraldok
Bióloga, PhDc. en Ciencias | Ilustradora Científica | Instituto de Ecología-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Liuyong Ding Otoliths

Institute of International Rivers and Eco-security, Yunnan University kunming, China

Sergio Vargas Mateos SergiVargas
Data engineer and student of the degree in mathematics. I enjoy learning about artificial intelligence and theoretical computing.


Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

María Lourdes Linares Barrera lourdesLB
Mathematician + Computer Engineer 💻 Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Statistics.
Julio Cabanillas V3RNE42
Biologist turned Developer


Patricia Rodríguez Mogedas PatriciaRM11
Analista de Datos || Ayudo a tomar mejores decisiones a través de los datos.


Aitoe aitoe96
Biologist. Biodiversity conservation and Omics data analysis. PhD student in the Computational Biology group at CIC BioGUNE.

@CICbioGUNE Bilbao (Spain)

Ariane Hayana a-hayana
Statistician and Degree Economics


Gonzalo Suárez suarezveirano
Professor of Pharmacology Veterinary Research Interests: Application of pharmacometrics in optimizing drug therapy. Always learning

Facultad Veterinaria, Universidad de la República Montevideo, Uruguay

César Godoy Delaigue Godoca2
Data engineer and Business intelligence. Drone pilot for photogrammetry and digital twins. Currently studying for a Master's degree in Data Science.

Región Metropolitana Santiago de Chile

Alberto Ramirez berti83
Data Scientist & Humanitarian worker Working to improve the intersection between both sectors
Javier Linares Torres javlintor
Data Engineer at @Digital-IFCO

IFCO Seville, Spain