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Andrea Fortino andreafortino
Just me

Regione Toscana Florence, Italy

Christophe Garant ccgarant
Systems Engineer. Mechanical-Hydraulic-Controls-Software blend. Mech-Hyd, Flight Controls, Rotorcraft & Subsea. Always learning.

Connecticut, USA

Baptiste Grosjean grosjeanbaptiste
Information Scientist | student @Umons by night and @ EMVI by day.

EMVI Bruxelles

Hm shepherd HardikBm

Gujarat. Ahmedabad. India

Liu Kang kangeek
Java / Cloud Native / SRE / DevOps.

Mutse Young mutse
Python & C++ & Qt & Go & Shell & Latex & Markdown

Wuhan, China

Clément Upsylonbare
Embedded software engineer. Sometimes trying to make stuff


tacolegs2004 tacolegs2004
TS enjoyer and music fan
prawin_sankar prawinsankar-ta
Exploring the unexplored!

Coimbatore, India

Marin Kirkov mar1n3r0
Founder & CEO at Stateless Minds | Web3 Engineer | IPFS enthusiast | WASM at frontend evangelist

Stateless Minds Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Shun Li lee-shun
Robotics & Vim!

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences; (CASIA) Beijing

Míla Kuchta kuchta
ADA: addr1q8va6gtun278gp7ry50nlml9yj7hxhwv8cn5jkp2uhf4827em5shex4uwsruxfgl8lh72f9awdwuc038f9vz4ewn2w4s2q2pqs XMR: 45yh1wcENHdiGQKnezmQMPcDsvgaKHiwEWTHmNYQjf2

Praha, Czech Republic

Toshith toshithh
I am a passionate developer and pursuing B.Tech in AI & DS currently. I am also the WEB Dev Co-lead at GDSC, SMIT.
Saidov Adam Said2434
Software Engineer

South Korea

Mark Krueger markkrueg

San Francisco

VinylStage VinylStage
to Learn how the world was made and how it works

GroMetric S.Korea, not north

Samil Karaduman SamilKaraduman
Debugging in process... Stay tuned for smoother operations!

Toronto, Canada

Yeonguk choo121600

@Arcturus-lab Seoul, Republic of Korea

Sergei Savchenko softhoz
Uncommitted = Unafraid

softhoz Tokyo