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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Aitor Sebastian Cerecero Cruz AitorCerecero
"Builders of the world" "Todo me sirve, nada se pierde. Yo lo Transformo"

Ruhrpumpen Monterrey, Nuevo León

@karimzmi karimzmi
Engineer @ Viasat


Julian Maze julianmaze
Infrastructure Automation Engineer

Viasat San Diego, CA

Lucas Morais lucasheartcliff
A software developer focused on results, committed to delivering pragmatic solutions that delivers what the customer needs with ethical and responsability.

@Viasat Rio de Janeiro

Gustavo Luz GustavoFLuz
Software Engineering student at Inatel interested in the Web Development area with focus on Front End looking for development and learning oportunities.

Inatel MG, Brasil

Cody Averett codyaverett
I learn new things every day and like to help others when I can!
Will Dirschka marcefanitoli
Hobbyist and adventurer. Software engineer.
Marcello DeSales marcellodesales
M.S. in C.S. from California State University at San Francisco @2009, B.S. in C.S. from Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil @2002, OSS Engineer

Viasat San Diego, California, USA

Zach zstechly
Doer of Things


mkliao mkliao

San Diego, CA

Coby Chapple cobyism
AI/ML/OSS/Systems/Product Designerd™ • Chaotic neutral • Prev: @github / @intercom / @radixdlt / Seth Godin's altMBA

The Internet™ • Planet Earth™

Jhonatan Alves JhonatanGAlves
👨‍💻 I'm 28 years old and Full Stack Software Developer 🎓 Graduated in Systems Analysis and Development 🎮 GAMER

Pleno ll Software Developer at @tabiahealth Bauru - São Paulo