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Dalvin Newland Crypthos

Newland IT-Solutions / Veldboomstudios Amsterdam

Alex Schouls Physer
I'm a senior .NET developer focusing on high-availability, high-performing back-end solutions. My favourite stacks and technologies are: .NET, C# and Azure!

@XPRTZ The Netherlands

Geert de Graaf GraafG

@microsoft Netherlands

Peter Klooster crashkonijn
Passionate web and game developer.


Bart Willemsen Bartwillemsen
Software Engineer at XPRTZ

XPRTZ Deventer, The Netherlands

Kasper van Knotsenburg Kaspervk

Schiedam, The Netherlands

Martyn de Vries mvdevries
Develops dotnet, Node.js, Cloud first and much more applications in other languages.

XPRTZ Netherlands, Dordrecht