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Mikhail Goloshchapov mgoloshchapov
Neutral atom quantum computing \\ MIPT 24'
Linwei Sang sanglinwei
Focusing on sustaintable power system analytics via AI and OR.

Tsinghua University Berkeley, USA

Mike Lasby mklasby
Software engineering PhD Student working in the @calgaryml lab researching dynamic sparse training | Machine Learning Developer @alpha-layer

University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta

Joel Mugambwa jmugambwa1
Creating digital wonders in a realms of codes. Open source enthusiast, AI aficionado, and web wizard. Coding my way through possibilities

Ventspils University of Applied Science latvia

Benjamin Rukundo rukundob451
Open Source enthusiast |Healthcare AI & ML

student Kampala, Uganda

Leon Eifler leoneifler

Zuse Institute Berlin Berlin

Zedong ZedongPeng
Process System Engineering & Operations research


José Manuel de Frutos josemanuel22
"Nos erreurs, une fois connues, nous instruisent, telle est la base de toute épistémologie et méthodologie"

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Mejillones, Chile

Mathieu Besançon matbesancon
Researcher in mathematical optimization.

Inria Grenoble, France

Leopold Kuttner ktnr
Co-Founder @cloveropt – Interested in exact and heuristic algorithms for decision support.

TU Dresden Germany

Lasse Peters lassepe
PhD candidate in the TU Delft Department of Cognitive Robotics working on game-theoretic motion planning.

Delft University of Technology

Sebastian Pokutta pokutta
If rising_edge(clk) then: Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, and Machine Learning. Prof @tuberlin, Vice President @ZuseInstitute else: yield

Berlin Institute of Technology and Zuse Institute Berlin Berlin, germany

Qingsong Wang nothing2wang

Xiangtan University Xiangtan

Penghui Guo phguo
PhD from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China.

Nanjing, China

Berkant Turan b-turan
PhD Candidate • Machine Learning and Optimization • TU Berlin and Zuse Institute Berlin

Zuse Institute Berlin & TU Berlin Berlin, Germany