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K Gunjan k-gunjan
Rust | Substrate | ZKP | Blockchain | Cryptography, Computer Network, Information/Cyber Security

Mumbai, India

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

zilong.dai zilong-dai
What does when mean? Rust, C++, Go Developer. ZK Engineer @QEDProtocol

QEDProtocol ShenZhen



Mattia Pintus btcleet
Linux OG 🐧 Cybersec since 2010 🥷🏻 Bitcoin since 2013 🟧 CEO & Founder @zkLayerLabs 🪄✨ Building @zkLayer 🚀 We’re raising! 🤝

@zkLayerLabs @zkLayer CET

Mawuli Obuntu wallclockbuilder
I am a Full Stack Software Engineer with about 15 years of experience developing innovative solutions. I've founded over half a dozen startups and coded them.

@bisq-network, @SatoshiDollarParity, @KitiwaImpactPortfolio Hayward, California

Bircan mutlubircan589
Amway Serbest Girişimcisi

AMWAY Turkey/Bursa

Decentralization, FOSS, growth, strategy & more
Nour mohamednour12
Blockchain & Fintech Apprentice Dev Active contributor 👨🏾‍💻


Pratik Patil pratikspatil024
Protocol Engineer II @0xPolygon

@0xPolygon & @maticnetwork India

Marquivion Orr Marqui-13
software engineer with expertise in various fields including blockchain, web3, AI, full-stack development, creative development, cryptography, and quantum

Iowa, United States

monokh monokh


minwoo minwoogramer
"indexing my life and keep going"


Yannick Seurin yannickseurin
Cryptographer at @LedgerHQ @Ledger-Donjon. Previously @ANSSI-FR.

Ledger Paris

Don dndll
Some somewhat memeish crypto bio here with emojis and some mono-spacing style letters

@Nuffle-Labs UK

sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr
Magnus Brattlöf magnusbrattlof
Full Stack Developer

VENNER Gothenburg, Sweden

Juan Rigada Jrigada
Estudiante de Ingenieria en Sistemas de Informacion

Universidad Tecnologica Nacional Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Santiago Pittella SantiagoPittella
Working @lambdaclass Studying @uba I do Rust, Elixir and Python for a living.


Alex Lewin alexlwn123
Hackity Hacking

@Fedibtc @atlbitlab Atlanta, GA

Alexandre Chabrolin chabroA
Software Engineer at Zoī

Zoī Paris

lucas lucasonchain

Portex United States

GCP gcperrin

Denver, CO

Aleksandra Kojic aleksandrakojic
🧑‍💻 Full-Stack Web | Software Developer ✨ Web3 | Blockchain | Smart Contracts 🌱 Distributed System | Cloud | DevOps


ben2077 ben2077
I just want more time to do what i want to do

Discoco chengdu

Curious developer still in awe of the pb&j magic. Always open to growth; enjoy diving down rabbit holes if I think it will lead to something interesting.


Evangelos Pappas epappas
Trying to improve things, with one idea at a time.

epappas.eth Edinburgh | Athens | London

Sergey Kaunov skaunov
Will pick the job which LLM won't