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Siddharth Sriram AureliusOctavion
Self-taught developer. Python, C++, Java, Go, Rust.

Dallas, TX

Rares Stanciu rcstanciu

@sherlock-protocol Ethereum

Hitarth Thanki brohudev
👨🏽‍💻 Turning ideas into reality, one project at a time

University of Houston In the Trenches

marwen marwenbk

@Arev tunisia

Eduardo Moreno aguilaair
Stanford CS Class of 2026 (Human Computer Interaction) Flutter, JS/TS, Arduino, C++ (embedded), and Python applications.

Stanford University San Francisco, CA

Aditya Saligrama saligrama
Engineering @formalco | CS @ Stanford

@formalco San Francisco Bay Area

Alex Georgiev alexngUNC
Senior at UNC-Chapel Hill. Interested in systems development and highly parallel architectures.

UNC Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC

Ganesh R geekwhocodes
All cloud things. Software Engineering @RapidCircle

@rapidcircle Pune

Donovan Jasper donovan-jasper
Cybersecurity and Music @Stanford Competitions Lead @applied-cyber Preparedness @openai

@applied-cyber, @openai Stanford, CA