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Anakin Dey Spamakin
Currently being nerdsniped about something
Shufan JIANG sufianj
I try to make (several) sense(s) of textual data. Je travaille sur le traitement automatique de langage naturellement drôle.
first-year graduate student, nobody, rack and ruin, spick and span, on the Clapham omnibus


jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Czech Republic, Prague

Qirun Dai qrdai
Undergrad@Fudan. Research Intern@UIUC. Improving training and evaluation of language AI from a data-centric perspective.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Chatresh ChatreshGudi
A curious student | Developer | UX designer | Graphics Designer |

Bangalore, India

clinton clint456


Liu Zenan Suiji-Chansheng
I'm looking to further my coding abilities with github.

HongKong, China

Alex Towell queelius
Code butcher, cancer survivor, hobby jogger.
peauli preciousajorgba
python developer and algorithmic trader


Barton Rhodes bmorphism
"Parametrised optics model cybernetic systems, namely dynamical systems steered by one or more agents. Then ⊛ represents agency being exerted on systems"

@plurigrid san francisco

yemer xdYoung


Jeffrey Fetzer jrf
Seeker of the wisdom of the ancients

Mayo Clinic -- @MCGAIL Rochester, MN

mason actank
Graduated from DLUT. Focus on artificial Intelligence and other advanced technologies.

bytedance beijing