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josiah jb824
CS student at Algonquin College with strong interests in web development, blockchain technologies, and data science.
t MuhtasimTanmoy
🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨

Buet Earth

Adrian Gora adagora
Material science engineer based in Poland


matiwinnetou matiwinnetou

@cardano-foundation Berlin, Germany

Ryan Ryun1

Intersect @IntersectMBO London

Tucker Triggs tuckpuck
Website developer | Cardano developer | Digital nomad

Tucker Triggs Development

Florian florian583
FullStack Developer [React, ReactNative, TS, NextJS, NodeJS, Fastify, AWS]


Shubham Gupta nimxor
Senior software developer at Linkedin

LinkedIn Jaipur

William will-break-it
break it 'til you make it
Festers Nephew FestersNephew
I am a Web 3 developer working to put together a team of builders who are also interested in the potential of AR and VR environments for learning.
Parichay Barpanda baymac
An electronics engineer who loves to code.


0x48415a484952 0x48415a484952
Software Engineer

XKX Germany

ħþ helderjnpinto
Maker, electronics hobbiest and enthusiast, software engineer.

Yari Labs Earth

Thomas A. Mayfield ThomasADA
Cardano Foundation | Team Lead - Decentralized Trust and Identity Solutions (DTIS)

Cardano Foundation

K/P KrisPett
Full Stack Software Engineer

Chaincue Technologies Sweden