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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Khanh.NVM minhbi245
I'm on the path to becoming a global iOS developer
Nguyễn Quang Huy huynq-fouj
A student can code.

Vĩnh Phúc

HyunGyu Shin stanaly

Jeju National University Ara Campus 102 Jejudaehak-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, 63243 Republic of Korea


Yonsei Univ. Seoul, Republic of Korea

Lami HalamLee
💻 Front-End Developer

Super School Korea

김태호 KIM TAEHO (Nick) tea-hkim
Junior iOS Developer / Registered Nurse


minion BalckUK
Web Developer
Seungyoon Lee samsee

SSAFY(삼성청년SW아카데미) Seoul, Korea

Sol Yun yun5ol
Hi there 🙋‍♀️
강성준 comeintostout
Studied at @boostcampwm-2022

Computer Science, Sogang Univ Seoul

Mirim Park Palwol
Frontend Engineer
Ruby juyeong-s

@whitecubeinc @boostcampwm-2022

khờ 🙄 ai nói gì cũng tin ...


김관경 vangona
코드를 통해 무언가 혹은 누군가의 문제를 해결하고 싶습니다. 심플하고 유연한 문제 접근을 위해 공부합니다.


Kil-hang Na nallang
iOS App developer of Kwang Ju Bank working for JB Financial Group in Korea.

Kwang Ju Bank South Korea

Dev.Jin nara04040
오늘보다 더 나은 내일을 위해서 배웁니다
hj1n hj1n

Korea University Seoul, Korea

yeni yeniful
Code Pray Love


seonamhae seonamhae


신창호 Gloom-shin
To become a better developer than yesterday, 소마 14기 연수생

Gyeonggi-do Yongin,Korea

Koreant_051 SpringintheFall
UX/UI Design

Busan,Republic of korea

임하스 Im-hass
I'm frontend developer. Welcome to feedback!!

South Korea

Tom Kova700
Android developer👽


CSE pebble CSE-pebble
ᴄsᴇ ᴘᴇʙʙʟᴇ's ɢɪᴛʜᴜʙ 

ᴇᴡʜᴀ. ᴡ. ᴜɴɪᴠ. ᴄsᴇ⠀ sᴇᴏᴜʟ, ʀᴇᴘᴜʙʟɪᴄ ᴏғ ᴋᴏʀᴇᴀ

yeon_hye_ni yeonhyeeun
개발 연습생 coding life super cooool👻

HyeRong-World ! HGU-pohang && sweet home -Daejeon

JIMIN LEE duo2208
Choongseop Kim kchs94

KYOBO Life Insurance Seoul,Korea

Minseo Kim kimwest00

HUFS, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Seoul, Republic of Korea