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Pranav Sharma sudopluto
just a chill guy

Student USA

Systems software and embedded systems enginneer


Jihyeon Gim potatogim

@gluesys Anyang-si, South Korea

Jerng jerng
My coding seeks to reify mental models. My pet model is a complete quantification of consciousness. I once ran a 24-hour cafe in Malaysia, for five years.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Takeshi Masumoto tinyreminder
Audio DSP engineer


David Akopov dav23r
Interested in OSS software. Fiddles in Linux, Networking, low-level stuff.

Tbilisi, Georgia

Wyatt Herkamp wyatt-herkamp
Discord: KingTux

Richmond, VA

Onofre Souza souzaonofre

Web Fullstack Developer Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil