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ElijahMoulton zhaorui-bi
AI4Science,Metagenomics,Spatial Omics

Ocaen University of China Shandong

Ethan Armand ejarmand
Bioinformatics PhD student in the Ren lab at UCSD
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Shaojun Yu shaojunyu
CSI Ph.D. Student @ Emory BMI Track Supervised by Prof. Steve Qin

Emory University Atlanta

Peng Zhou orionzhou
Researcher at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

Beijing, China

Kiyan Shabestary KiyanShabestary
I am a systems biologist going back and forth between wet and dry labs. My journey often passes through the Alps.
Ken Chen chenkenbio
Postdoc. Computational biology
Upalabdha UpalabdhaD
PhD Student, Bioinformatics

Tezpur University India

Neil Hardy neilrhardy9
Eclectic engineer focused on combatting age-related diseases and building novel diagnostics.

Hardy Technologies Santa Cruz, CA

Joaquín Acosta the-alquemist
Bioinformatician and computer hardware lover. My name is Joaquín and I enjoy learning about new things.

LibreHub Santiago

Xingzhao_Wen Irenexzwen
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology PhD candidate at the University of California San Diego

La Jolla, CA

Kuan-Hao, Chao Kuanhao-Chao
Computer science Ph.D. Candidate at Johns Hopkins University. Teaching machines to learn biology 🧬💻

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore

Akshatha Nayak Aksh77
Bioinformatics and Genomics PhD Student

Penn State University State College, Pennsylvania, US

Abhishek Mangaraj abhishekagi

Deloitte Bengaluru

Haoxiao Cai maplecai
PhD student

Tsinghua University

Joseph S. Beckwith JBeckwith

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Zongmei Gao Mei918
Bioinformatics Dada science Genetics
Gianlucca Colangelo gianluccacolangelo
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computational Biology, MSc. Building multi-omics AI tools to understand diseases

Buenos Aires, Argentina

涛哥 strrzj
career:PM hobbits: Piano、Gitar、Soccer、Ride、Reading、Microblogging
Richard Shipman RichardDShipman
Omics Data Analysis - Applied Science, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry. Proteomics, glycobiology and mass spectrometry omics adventures in bioinformatics.

USA / Spain

Sean Hackett shackett
I am the Director of Discovery Data science at @calico where my team turns key outputs of basic research (mechanisms and targets) into data science problems.

Calico: @calico South San Francisco

Hua Gao ghbore
般若 (bō rě), Prajñā or paññā, is a Buddhist term often translated as "wisdom", "intelligence", or "understanding"

Stanford University Stanford, CA