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Tradenly tradenly
we build crypto trading bots

Tradenly Blockchain

Forrest Zachary Shooster Argzero
I am a polyglot and a polymath interested in biomechatronics, electrophysiology, rocketry, et cetera. My company designs research technologies.

Argzero Technologies, LLC / Pitt-CMU MSTP

Daniel SB dasobral
Ph. D. in Physics

Telematics Engineering Department, UC3M Madrid

Ruki Labs RukiLabs
Dev level: Rookie
Sebastian Tracey SebastianKey2Quality
Senior IT Projektleder med flair for det digitale univers.

Key2Qaulity Skanderborg

Krzysztof DK krzysztof-dk
JavaScript / TypeScript / Frontend / Backend / Fullstack / Docker / React / Node.js / Next.js / Agile / SCRUM / Extreme Programming

Wroclaw, Poland

TUESDAY Tuesdaythe13th
Founder and Director of Research @ ARTIFEX LABS. Find me in the Cloud 🛸 Google Jumpstart Cohort + Trusted Tester/ ML Commons/ Open Source Initiative/EFF/CAI

Arrifex Labs LLC Portland, Oregon


Hangzhou, China

Hưng Hung-00

CMC Saigon, Vietnam

Arnav_Panjla Arnav-panjla
B.Tech EE'27, IIT Delhi | Developer BlocSocIITD | Member RoboticsIITD | btw, I use Arch


Kaushalraj Puwar KaushalrajPuwar
Sophomore @ IIIT Bangalore | iMTech CSE | Class of 28

Bengaluru, India

Nick Nicolau-369
"Hackers want knowledge, not education."


Simon Yang yxm0513
Full stack engineer


danchang11 DanielTschang

National Tsing Hua University Taiwan, Taipei

Pau Fuente paudefuente
Focused on functionality!
Manuel Godoy Manuelg07
Javascript developer and its frameworks, trying to learn backend


Mad Orkestra MadOrkestra
I am here now, too. I build things.


Bruno Arantes bruno-arsi
Software Engineer @ Microsoft
Saijyoti sxijyoti
CSE | Undergrad
oemb1905 oemb1905

Haack's Networking Santa Fe, NM

deli delaani


Sabata Mofokeng samofoke
Software Engineer

AlgoQuantia johannesburg

Anas Ghareib ansgrb
guns... lots of guns...
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Pedro K Pedro-Krw
Blockchain enthusiast

Biak Developer 🗺️ 21

SoLittyRecords SoLittyRecords
So Litty Records(SLR) is a Mid-South Record Label and Publishing Co. Est 2019 working in technical and financial literacy

Memphis, TN

Tomas Xtremono
Hi! Im Jose Tomas. Web developer from Chile!
