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Seyhan Sahin Claeys SeyhanSahin
Data Scientist || Research Mathematician || Mathematics Instructor
Alessio Felicioni afelicioni
Linux + PHP + JavaScript + DNS + VoIP + cURL + cron = FUN 🌐 @studiofelicioni where the magic happens ⚡️riding @barroccio Lombardia + Toscana, Italia / Italy

Fabian Steels FabianSteels
Devops Engineer: microservices, brokers, NoSQL db, ReactiveApplication, EIP, Observability, ServiceMesh, CaaS

Namur - Villajoyosa

i have no mouth and i must beatbox

Alipay Hangzhou, China

Worker at CETIC, Belgium Lecturer, UMONS
Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
derjohn derjohn
Corporate DevOps Nerd, Open-Source-driven Datacenters, System Designer, Architect


I’m a cybersecurity researcher and teaching assistant at UCLouvain.

UCLouvain Belgium

Adam Erickson admercs
Founder of @nervosys; Early co-founder of Wingcopter; Pioneer of AI for Earth science, hybrid AI land models. Where Software <> Hardware.

@nervosys Earth

Benshan Mei mbs0221
Happy Hacking!

UCAS Beijing

Zhiyuan DockHan
My name is zhiyuan Suzhou, China

Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Faiez Zalila fzalila
Cloud architect


Umut hugokce
Data Enthusiast