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Bruno Sousa bmsousa1991
DevOps Engineer • Cloud • Linux • IaC • AWS • Python • Kubernetes • SRE • OpenSource • Automation • Security

@DevOpsBrHub São Paulo - Brazil

Gabriel Rodrigues gabrielroodriz
Building solutions with a focus on innovation and quality.

levva Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil

Rodolfo de Jesus Silva lrodolfol
Software developer


Wilson Neto wilsonneto-dev
Software Engineer, Microsoft MVP. Mainly focused on backend, APIs and cloud.

@Mindbody Brazil

Bertoldo Klinger bertoldoklinger
Brazilian Software Engineer 👨🏻‍💻

@do-emserh São Luis I MA

Cristiano Raffi Cunha CristianoRC
.NET | Azure | AppSec | Instructor | Software Architect

@Akad-Seguros Brasil - Pelotas - RS

André Luiz andrentfs

AW Tecnologia Goiânia

👩‍💻 | Dev full stack | 👩‍💻

LS NETWORK'S EIRELLI R. Eldorado, 318- Prosperidade, São Caetano do Sul - SP, 09550-720, Brasil

Eduardo A. Hermanns Minduz
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência em liderança e agora em transição para tecnologia, estudo OracleOne, Dev FullStack no IFSC e ADS na Univ Católica de Brasília

Floripa - SC - Brasil

Gabi Amarante Gottardo amarantegabriela
Engenheira de Software em formação.

São josé dos Campos -SP

Saulo saulomas
Um Pequeno Gafanhoto

Jequitinhonha, MG

Vitor Giovanny vitorgiovanny
Desenvolvedor Backend .NET

Aracaju-SE, Brasil

Gui Dev guilherme-braga4
Software Engineer at Ifood
Helder Jerônimo Leite Rangel helder-rangel
I'm a brazilian student of I have Marketing MBA in Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), I'm jornalist, too.
Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at UFRGS and member of the UFRGS Computer Systems Research Group for Petroleum E&P

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre

Alley All3yp
My code is like a fine wine - it takes time to mature, and sometimes it gives you a headache. 🍷

Serpro Fortaleza, Brazil

Moshood Olawale moreshud
Software Engineer | Data Analyst & Scientist | Machine Learning Engineer

DeepIntel Limited Abuja, Nigeria

Lucas Moura lsantosdemoura

@grupoboticario Carapicuíba - SP

Lucas Onofre LucasOnofre
Mobile Developer

@tarmac São Paulo

Ricardo Maricato ricardomaricato
Software Engineer

@avenuesec São Paulo, SP

Jéssica Nathany JessicaNathany
Programmer, gamer and host podcast

Senior Software Developer at Wiley Brasil São Paulo

Rodrigo Marques 08pixels
Bachelor in Computer Science at UFAL - Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Penedo, AL - Brasil

Fernando Areias fernandoareias
Software Engineering

Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Yuri Rennan yurirennan
Bacharel em Ciências da Computação pela Faculdade Católica da Paraíba. Professor de Sistemas Distribuídos e Estrutura de Dados e Algoritmos.

Sousa - PB, Brazil

Carlos Eduardo Guimarães de Souza CarlosEduardoGui
Backend Developer.

Iterative Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Antonio Thomacelli Gomes tonnytg
Software Engineer and Cloud Architect

Banco BV Brazil

Nelson Nobre NelsonBN
Software Architect | Software Engineer | Developer C#/.NET | DevOps

VFX Financial Portimão, Portugal (Algarve)

Giovanny Massuia giovannymassuia
Software Engineer

Vancouver, Canada