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Valentín vlennit
Developer for fun.


Victor Martin VictorMartinDzib
Software developer Jr

Cancun, Mexico

Julio de Alba JulioJair

Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

Z i c e c k ziceck
Software Engineer Java/Angular.

WGU Oaxaca

Amir C amircp
TypeScript Lover and Python Developer. Love math, Machine Learning. (Learning) and super fan of Behavior Driven Development.
Esmeralda Monroy WhiteJuno

American Express Mexico City

Luis Gonzalez gogl92
Information Technologies Engineer.

@inquid Texas + Florida + Mexico

Andrés Hernández andreshndz
Sr. Software developer


Felipe López felipao-mx
Software developer from Mexico 🇲🇽.

@cuenca-mx Mexico City

Yisus agarrido19
Software Engineer at Cuenca

Cuenca cdmx

Luis Brime LuisBrime
Full Stack developer. Generative Artist.

@HeadspaceMeditation Mexico City, Mexico

Alex Viquez alexviquez
Software Engineering Manager at Cuenca

Cuenca México City