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Danielle Savellano daesavellano

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Rohitha Yarlagadda yrohitha
Life is Beautiful.

Quantium Hyderabad

Apoorv Singh apoorv19151
Software Developer | IIITD'23


Himanshu Sinha himanshusin
Data Scientist

United Sates

Meghana Kotcherlakota megkotch09
Computer Science @ Georgia Institute of Technology
Kshitijaa Jaglan deutranium
PhD at Uni of Zurich


IqraAhmed iqradatascientist
Data Scientist |Data Scientist | Understanding Real World Problems | Processing, Cleaning, and Analysing Data | Modelling & Algorithms| Data Visualization


Nara naragb
Driving Innovation with Data Science Solutions
Maria Teleki mariateleki
PhD Student at Texas A&M University.

Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA

Aditya T.L.N. TLNAditya
I am passionate about AI . I am an enthusiast in Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR), and I am fascinated by the potential of Quantum AI.
Hyeonju Jeong hjj978

Republic of Korea

Computational Linguist and Software Engineer, LMU Munich 2022

@beyondwords-io Berlin

Adrianna Seeney adriseeney
2x HBCU Grad MBA: Finance, Decsion Science Minor | Clark Atlanta University B.S. : Marketing, Consumer Behavior Minor | Fayetteville State University

Austin, TX

Mahlodi Makobe mahlodi-makobe
BSc Honours in Statistics student. BSc Mathematics and Statistics graduate. Data Scientist specialising in Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning and AI.

University of South Africa Pretoria, South Africa

Rahul Shingade Rahul-shingade
Programming πŸ’»πŸ‘½


Julius Hernandez Alvarado ideaguy3d
builder πŸ› οΈ for Apple Machine Intelligence πŸŽπŸ€–

@apple California

Jinyan Chen jyanc
My name is Jinyan Chen. Phd candidate, Sociology. Sun Yat-sen University. Research interest: computational social science.
Rami Abou-Shamalah RamiHaider
Head of Product at 1StopLaundry, Data Scientist at Sanders Geophysics

Ottawa, Canada

Andre Filipe Figueiredo Marques Silva andrefilipefmsilva
BSc and MSc in Economics, and now Msc in Data Science. You can find a lot of my work on both areas here!

Cloudflare Portugal

Ricardo Vitorino rjvitorino
Product Manager | Python & GIS for smart cities | Driving software solutions globally | 🌐 hello [at] ricardovitorino [dot] com

Ubiwhere Coimbra, Portugal

Francesco Bruzzesi FBruzzesi
Data Scientist at HelloFresh. Mathematician at heart. Open source enthusiast.

@HelloFresh Berlin