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Jo G. jo-elimu
Software Architect


Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani

Accurate Cyber Defense Mzimba

Rony Lee ronylee11
A Web Dev and Linux User (arch btw)


ROM Robotics ROM-robotics
Pyae Soan Aung co-founder, Lecturer,Researcher @ ROM Robotics System Administrator, System Integrator and QT developer

ROM ROBOTICS Yangon , Myanmar

October Nicole OctoberNicole
Working \ worked with, and SOLANACORN bringing ideas to the table. Open to new or established platforms who need any help.

MOIST NFTS Start of the Bay - Maryland, U.S.A

Basant saini Basant1Saini
Backend Dev. Movies, series, games (Chess, PUBG, GTA V), music (Punjabi & Rajasthani).

Not yet Jaipur, rajasthan

Jayprakash sharma-jayprakash
ngl, i hate humans


Muhammad Tayyab Muhammad-Tayyab-Awan
MERN Stack Developer, WordPress Developer, Content Creator

@infowithawan1 Islamabad, Pakistan

Prashanth everlastingspring
Software Engineer 2 @ Oracle Cerner

Bangalore, INDIA

┌(▀Ĺ̯▀)┐? Why

Bangkok, Thailand


@contribution-dao Bangkok, Thailand

Hung Doan hung-doan
Geek Geek Guy Get Geek Geek' Goal


Cloud9 infernus616
An aspiring devops engineer with an interest in cost optimization and AWS.


Tanathorn Somsakserm Tanathorn-Rin
Computer Engineering Student at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology. 泰日工業大学。

Bangkok, Thailand

Kaushalraj Puwar KaushalrajPuwar
Sophomore @ IIIT Bangalore | iMTech CSE | Class of 28

Bengaluru, India

Rahul Bansal rahulbansal3005

Siemens Bengaluru, Karnataka

Vuong vuon9
☕️ with 🧊


Sanjay SanjayCodes04
I'm a DevOps Enthusiast

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Joshua Varghese joshuabvarghese
SWE Student

Canberra , AUS

Yash Sanjivkumar Pawar yashpawar6849
Ex-Microsoft FRT Intern • Organizer @MLSC-KBTCOE • Front-End Developer • Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador • Docker Enthusiast 🐳


Ilma Salsabil crocmons
Full-stack Engineer and Data Analyst
Farhath Razzaque codehath
Full Stack Developer | Software Engineer | @makersacademy Graduate | BSc Computer Science @ Newcastle University

Freelance London

Aung Khant Maw aungkhantmaw64
I'm a garbage collector. I collect garbage.

Bangkok, Thailand

Nattawatt Hongthong RealNattawattHongthong
Student Developer CRU 125 | Bodindecha insta : nattawatthongthong

@CRUStudentDevCommunity Bangkok, Thailand

Shubham Mishra smishra2004
Pre final year student at Netaji Subhas University Of Technology.

New Delhi

Sagar Bhakat SagarBhakat
Undergraduate Student. An open-source enthusiast.


Virat Singh Baghel VSBtechs


Wallace Espindola wallaceespindola
Sr. Software Engineer & Architect, Backend Java & Python Dev, Tech-Writer & Speaker

W-Tech IT Solutions Brussels

Vaibhav Vai-Man
I make things work... eventually.
