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John R Giles gilesjohnr
Scientist at the Institute for Disease Modeling in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

@cdw Seattle, WA

Trevor Gill TrevorAGill

Slalom Consulting Portland, OR

Samantha Cady (Schroff) sschroff

Samantha Kim Schroff redmond

David Lemayian ✨ DavidLemayian
Maker. Founder @TeneryResearch. Helped kickstart @CodeForAfrica + @ANCIR. Fmr @icfjknightfellows supported by @gatesfoundation. @github Universe 2019 speaker.

@TeneryResearch Nairobi, Kenya

Anthony Williams Wolven531
I am a versatile software engineer with a passion for using technology to enrich people's lives.

Lake Stevens, WA USA

Timo Sarkar sartimo
building cool things @galadrielxyz & threat intelligence @andarielsec


Juster Zhu JusterZhu
Microsoft MVP,GeneralUpdate Author.

@msmvps China wuhan/shanghai

Cory Kitzan cory-kitzan
IT Systems Engineer

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Seattle, WA


Avanade Seattle