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Adrian Kieß adriankiess
Adrian Kieß is a programmer and administrator. He is currently taking part in the history seminar at the University of Leipzig.

@kiess-onl Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

Altaks Altaks
I'm currently 20yo, self learner

IUT La Rochelle France

Ali ErAli-07
My name is Ali and I am a student of ITTS Vito Volterra. I like programming
kanji goel kanjikolhi
Software Development

freelancer Hyderabad Sindh

Honorarac.Org honorarac-web
#honorarac Beograd

John lone jetjo
Code or Go-to-hell!!!

Haidian District, Beijing, China

ζ(s) = ∑ₙ₌₁^∞ 1/nˢ. AdepojuJeremy
building hyperstitions:

Aetherix.AI USA

Aditi Shinde aditishinde45
HELLO..! I am Aditi Shinde a Btech computer engineer currently studying at kk wagh college of engineering and research Nashik.
Gabriel Araújo gabrielarjs
Analista de Service Desk Júnior || Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemae

Transportes Della Volpe São Paulo - SP

Aung Thuyrain Amk-001
Myanmar, YGN , 09677740154

chef Yangon

@notti-io notti-io

Eduardo Nogueira edujsnogueira
Audit, Economics, Python, R, SQL, Stata.


Marco Falamarcao
Full Cycle Software Engineer, Data Engineer, Web Scraping - Implementing Data-Driven Ideas


Shadyar Bzhar Othman Shadyar-Bzhar-Othman
Software Developer Specializing in Flutter, Laravel, Vue & Nuxt
TypeScript Dev exploring Rust
bobur bobvrrr
hi guys @@


Mariusz Turski blackmonoceros

IT Special Projects Poland

Melissa De Leon melissadeleonx
I took @cs50 lurker @github married to @python

Palermo, Italy

DHARAN D Dharangithub
I am an Engineering student at Annamalai university


Sensei De Elite SenseiDeElite
Psalms 150:1 “Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.”


Doding DodingQt
si leigh nash kay baho
Francisco Márcio Braga Freitas MarcioFreitasUFSC21
I am a master course student and I am building my career as a data scientist and ML engeneer and analyst and developer for embedded systems to applied robotic

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Santa Catarina- SC

p@ren paren-thesis
🚀 Passionate Android App Developer | Java Programmer | Web Developer