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Shooter liushooter

localhost Mainland China

Duc Vo vovanduc
Software Developer

Việt Nam

Bukit Sorrento bukit-kronik

KRONIK Bandung, Indonesia

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Hamid Rasti hamidrasti
AI/ML Engineer


Dan Sikes dsikes

Wake Forest, North Carolina

Callum Teesdale CallumTeesdale
Graduate of The University of Northampton.

iVendi Wales

Jan Doležal jandolezal
They said its ok to put stuff on the internet.


Sanket Bambodkar gomugomu0034
Data Science Enthusiast
George jinrenjie
Don’t you quit, you do make a difference.

Betterde Inc. Shanghai, China

Sam Griffith Jr staypufd
Just some guy.

Austin, TX area

Nishant Kumar nishant8BITS
Founder @mellohq , Ex-VP Engineering @PectusFinance, ex-Head of Engineer @Concular, Author @manning

Mello Berlin, Germany

Liber Liberxue
AWS Solutions Architect && Quant Strategy Engineer Currently focusing on ML #CUDA #FPGA #HPC


John Daniel Pray jpray
Can we build it? Yes we can!
Nigel James njames
I am an "Enterprise" software architect with a passion for helping those embarking on STEM careers. I run @squarecloudlabs and consult around the world.

Square Cloud Pty Ltd Central Coast, NSW

szdyg szdyg
Senior Developer, Ancestral Reverser.
虫子樱桃 czyt

@x-gopher /dev/ttycode

Gunes Korkmaz Runaho
Keeper of mystical knowledge. Senior Software Architect


b. hedge bhedge

@neuralpayments Franklin, TN USA

Hariharan hariharanpalani

Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India


CreditX Shanghai

Dhananjay DhansAL
here to find likeminded keyboard warriors.
Ricardo Trevisan ricardotrevisan
IT Executive, Solution Architect

Crediativos | Quant Digital Brazil, São Paulo

Jason Ma NeoCN

AfterShip 厦门 深圳