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Yana Pinheiro YanaPinheiro
I'm an undergraduate student in Geophysics focusing on Seismic Processing in the group of Dr. Ellen de Nazaré, PhD, at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

Universidade Federal do Pará Belém-Pa-Brasil

Bruno arenics-coder
Codding 4 Fun!

INFRAERO Navegantes/SC

Estudante de Geofísica se especializando em programação nas áreas de sísmica e sismologia.

Geophysics Caçapava do Sul, RS

Vinicius dos Santos santosvini
Graduate in Computer Science Currently QA, and future development front end

Estapar São Paulo

Igor Souza igorjssouza
Machine learning (ML)/deep learning(DL); Geophysicist; Physicist and lecturer.