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Dawit Bekele Dawit-wt
Web Developer who creates visually appealing and creative web interfaces
EverAzim Azimkhan01
As a web developer with a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Node.js, what specific areas or topics would you like to discuss or l
Mazher mazherx
Front End Developer | MERN Stack Developer

@5mmarket Lahore

Firas Muhammed masterfiras101
Laravel | Vuejs | Inertiajs | PHP | Flutter


FredGuiou FredGuiou
👨🏽‍💻Développeur JavaScript, toujours partant pour découvrir des nouveautés, dans le positivisme digital !

My Unisoft Auriol

Jérôme Beau Javarome
Senior software developer / tech lead. Vanilla JS / #noframework promoter. Owner of @RR0.

RR0 France


Saudi Arabia

G SAI VARSHITH varshith999
I am 3rd year CSE - AI & ML student from S.R.M UNIVERSITY -K.T.R Campus

SRM Institute of Science and Technology Kattankulthur

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Haseeb MernStack haseebmalik16


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


@tianchenghang 随便说说

Xidian, NJUPT 加速... 幻灭的结果...

Arno arno-o
im just doing my how(b)est...
itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

RETEX Lin-Rexter
I'm a university student who enjoys coding and an OSS enthusiast.


Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Novin Ardian Yulianto novinbukannopin
gabisa ngoding

PT. Solomon Indo Global Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Brandon Hollins brandonhollins
Hazzah! I'm Brandon, a gallant Designer. I meld my wizardry in technical realms with a sorcerer's touch in design to conjure user-centric solutions.

Currently in Free Agency Jackson, MS

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

gefercan gefercan
Trying to learn, eager to learn.
Chandan Kumar Chandan9898Kumar
Software Engineer.


Prajwal Bhattarai<Dev> bhattaraiprajwal
你好呀! 这就是我 巴特拉伊i!


Sanjay Vinod cobrasanjay1
while (!dead) { eat(); // sleep(); code(); }

fsociety @mars

bruce bruce-ws
plain people


Adriel Magalona adr1el-m

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Taguig, Philippines

Blake Shae bshaekos
Designer, Emerging Tech @ PBS

PBS Washington, DC

Максим Родионов maximrodionov
Среднестатистический обыватель.
Phi Võ sunflynf
Account use for test new technologies & practice

HCM City, Vietnam