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Filippo Carra karrukola

@hexagon-geo-surv Switzerland

Andre Nguyen andre-nguyen
M.A.Sc. graduate of Polytechnique Montreal. Beep Boop, I do robots. Contributions are my own unless otherwise noted.

@trimble-civil-construction Toronto

Magnus Jurdal Magnus6803
Hi to the world

MJ Kontorsservice Johan Printz väg 18B

ImJay90 imJay90
Digital Transformation | Data Analytics | Artificial intelligent | Machine Learning | Neural Network | O&G | Asset Monitoring and predictive Maintenace...


Straussn strzlee
why not zoidberg? *blbbbllbbbllbblblblb*

Jausentest Internet

Zhang Haifeng zhan9hf
Good good study, day day up! Be student!


Peter Szasz szaszpeter
Android Developer with 8+ years experience of developing native apps. Currently living in Malaga, Spain. Passionate about Music, Photography and Arts.

Malaga, Spain

Fabio M. De Francesco xp4ns3
Linux kernel developer

Catania, Italy, EU

Mechatronics Engineer | Firmware Engineer

Dornbirn, Austria

Florian Schäffeler robertobernabe
Cross-platform warrior 🥋👨🏻‍💻@hexagon-geo-surv

Leica Geosystems - Survey Solutions Überlingen, Germany

Ilya qpmr
Embedded Software Engineer


Si Shuming Si-Xiaoming
Si Shuming

Southwest Jiaotong University Sichuan China

GitHub isabella232