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34 repositories
- Uwazi is a web-based, open-source solution for building and sharing document collections
- A Docker-powered service for PDF document layout analysis. This service provides a powerful and flexible PDF analysis service. The service allows for the segmentation and classification of different parts of PDF pages, identifying the elements such as texts, titles, pictures, tables and so on.
- This project aims to extract text from PDF files using the outputs generated by the pdf-document-layout-analysis service. By leveraging the segmentation and classification capabilities of the underlying analysis tool, this project automates the process of text extraction from PDF files.
- This project aims to extract Table of Contents (TOC) information from PDF files using the outputs generated by the pdf-document-layout-analysis service. By leveraging the segmentation and classification capabilities of the underlying analysis tool, this project automates the process of identifying and structuring the document's TOC.
Public- Preserve is a tool for capturing and saving online digital content. Integrated with Uwazi, Preserve captures content from websites, social media and communication platforms, and archives them with accompanying key metadata to ensure evidentiary value by establishing and demonstrating authenticity and chain of custody.
Public archivepython_uwazi_API