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Mostafa Shamsitabar mimshins
Front-End Software Engineer and Toolmaker

Tehran, Iran

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Cyrill cyrillzadra

@the-i-engineers Zurich

Rami T r9119
Past web developer | Currently studying data science @ FHNW | I do some game hacking for fun.

FHNW Aargau, CH

Vincenzo Timmel kenfus
Passionate and enthusiastic Data Scientist with strong and applied knowledge in machine learning and 2+ years of professional experience.


vlslv vlslv

VLSLV São Paulo

Soumyaranjan Dash sr-dash

Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii United States of America

Mohamed Nedal | محمد نضال MohamedNedal
Postdoctoral Researcher in Solar Physics at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS)

Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) Dublin, Ireland

Barış Bakırdöven Barisos22
Studying Computer Scince and Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering at Sabanci University
Joël Grosjean tez4
Founder & Data Scientist @Grosjean-Data-Solutions

@Grosjean-Data-Solutions Switzerland

Thomas Mandelz tmandelz
BSc Data Science and Science Enthusiast.

Olten, Switzerland

Jelle Schutter jelleschutter
Data Journalist at watson News | Data Science Student at @FHNW

Baden, Switzerland

Noah noaahh
engineer / student

data science @FHNW Switzerland

Paul Wright PaulJWright
Paul J. Wright

University of Exeter Exeter, UK

David Paipa PaipaPsyche
Astronomy / Heliophysics / DS & ML - Doctorant in astrophysics at L'Observatoire de Paris. Art and science through Programming