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Mrutyumjay Chennu Chennu
Software Engineer with passion to think of and invent new things using cognitive technologies.


Deepak C Shetty dpkshetty
IBMer, opensource enthusiast, openshift advocate, WW sales enablement, PreSales, ex-openstack, ex-ovirt developer. All my articles @

IBM India Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

Calixto Ong bhongong
Creating something out of nothing
Hi I'm Jerry an OSS enthusiast, working to better my self.
Akash AkashGutha
bits to bytes 💾 hertz to flops ⚡️


Kelsie Langston klangs34
Full stack developer.

Durham, NC

JWW Heesbeen innervators

KNODES Worldwide Leiden (NL)

Sahdev Zala spzala
IBM software engineer. Kubernetes, etcd, PyTorch, OpenStack open source software developer. OASIS TOSCA Technical Committee member.

IBM Raleigh, NC

Caio Candido candidocaio
Simplify, Optimize, Transform, Accelerate, Learn and Share. #Iwork4Dell

Dell Technologies São Paulo, Brazil

Ashish K Sahoo Ashish1981
Building PoCs for s390x & System Z


Oswaldo Godines Salinas Oswal22
Bussines Development


Jaimin Patel caprizone6

St. Jude Children's Research Hosp Memphis, TN

David Pearson davpea
UK based, Technical Solution Architect at Red Hat, always looking to learn something new and make contributions where I can. Love @swiftlang and @swift-on-serv

Red Hat UK

minhaolee mhlee0328
Working as Firmware Engineering and IoT Innovation Architect at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).

ITRI Taiwan

Abhijit Roy Roy214 Pune

Surya Deep Singh SinghSuryaDeep
SCALER Certified Data Scientist, AI Engineer with over 6 years of experience. #Data Science #GenAI #ML #AI

IBM Software Labs

Joe Wood testingillusions

Red Hat, Inc Washington, DC

Lulzx Lulzx
I hit keys to transform dreams into reality.

Asia, Earth

Yihong Wang yhwang

@IBM San Jose, CA

Madhu K gh-madhu1
Lead AI Researcher


Adriel O'Malley Agentoma
Adriel O'Malley is an accomplished project manager with expertise in computer development and infrastructure management, passionate about AI.

AOM Canada

BJ Hargrave bjhargrave
I'm an open source developer at IBM. Committer at @ibm-granite-community, @instructlab, @osgi, @eclipse, @jakartaee, and @bndtools.

@IBM Vermont

Sarah Hesham Sarah-Hesham-2022
AI/ML Enthusiast

Cairo University, Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence Cairo, Egypt

Serhat Uyanmis suyanmis
Fun fact, We are still alive

IBM Manila

Brian S Paskin bpaskin
IBMer since 1994.

IBM Roma, Italia