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Victor Suárez victorsuarezis
Profesional independiente, especializado en Desarrollo de aplicaciones de lenguaje Java, con 10 años de experiencia. Consultor ADempiere e iDempiere ERP


Khaled BOUSSEBAT kboussebat
Software & System Architect, Java & Rust Developer
Samson (Kahindi) Baraka kamarbaraka
Lead Software Engineer | Backend Engineer | ERP & CRM Systems Engineer | Agile Practitioner | Microservices | Java & Spring Developer | Enterprise Application D

kb hacks and solutions Nairobi, kenya

Jehadul Jehadul
I'm a JAVA Programmer and Web Developer


Matheus B. Ezaquiel MatheusEzaquiel
HTML/CSS/JS/React/Java/Spring/SQL 🖥️ 🌱

Ceará, Brasil

Diego Ruiz d-ruiz Krefeld

Esmael Mohammed eusme
Software Engineer , Co-Founder of Qualliaware Software S.C

Qualliaware Software SC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

matt_ mattyas-yahya
Spring Boot maniac, JS fanboys and weekend lover. #DilarangMelarang

samarkand, بين الشرق والغرب - تحت السماء

Thati Moreira thatimoreira
Graduanda em Sistemas de Computação (UFF) | Eng. de Software (42 Rio)
edwnmnashe edwnmnashe
here to learn..

opensolutions zimbabwe Harare, Zimbabwe

Abdullah Baharoon Asbaharoon
I am Oracle e-business suite R12 ERP user and Junior Student in programming of Java language, also currently I have job purchasing coordinator

@openjdk and @graalvm Yemen

Alien Mohammed-eid35
Software Engineer - ACPC Finalist. Egypt

Jose Leite joseleite550
Java Developer | Idempiere ERP Contributor


Tikk Wiki i0712326
working for many personal projects. I have experience with both enterprise and opensource. I have worked with both frontend and backend.


Sharafas OM sharafas-om


Rana Faraz ranafaraz
Project Manager, Software Engineer

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan

杨子文 yangziwen

sankuai Beijing China

Almujeer Uddin u-almujeer-tenseiph

Tensei Data Net Inc. Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture, Japan