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caiote eoCAIOTE


Jefferson Reis jeffersonreis89
Tech Mananger at Justa

@justapagamentos São Paulo

Rafael Morais rafareloM
Mobile Developer | Flutter


Márcio Abrantes AbrantesMar
iOS and .NET developer. MTA, MCP, CSM. let's go to the codes

Recife Pernambuco

Pedro Miquiles miquiles
CEO at Escola Moderna Tecnologia

PHM Recife, PE

Silvia Magalhães SilviaMaga
Quality Assurance (QA)
João Victor Tinoco joaovictortinoco
👨🏻‍🎓BSc Computer Engineering 👨🏻‍🔬MSc Machine Learning 👨🏻‍💻Data Ops / ML Ops/ DevOps

Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

Ady adyluna
Backend Developer | Java | Kotlin | JavaScript | TypeScript | SpringBoot| NestJs | NodeJs | PostgreSql | MongoDB


Leonardo Viana leonardoviana81
Especialista em programação de sites responsivos usando CMS WordPress, Landing Pages, Lojas Virtuais e Montagem de Email-Marketing.

Recife - PE - Brasil

Felipe Fernandes ffernandescs
Desenvolvedor Web/Mobile | HTML5 | CSS3 | Javascript | ReactJs | React-Native | Angular | Git/GitHUB | NodeJs |

Recife - Pernambuco

Igor Pedrosa IgorLAP

Recife, Pernambuco

Vinicius Gomes ViniGB
Software Engineer | FullStack

Justa Recife - PE, Brasil

SilasSousa Silassousa-cod
Software Test Analyst | QA


Vanessa VanessaPM85
Universitária na Fatec Campinas. Cursando Gestão de TI, em treinamento constante de programação front-end. Amante de games. Consistente e colaborativa.


Rodrigo Lima rodriigolima
A Student that loves apply his knowledge to solve problems, create amazing products and impact lives.

Recife - PE

Felipe Bonezi felipebonezi
Experienced entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry focused on FinTech and High-Scale Product Development.

@justapagamentos Brazil

Camila Moura camilalnmoura
Quality Assurance 📚

@justa Recife

Mobile Software Engineer

Justa Osasco, São Paulo, Brasil

Júlia Tomé de Sousa juliatomeds

Brazil - Pernambuco - Recife

Lucas Sales Moreira Cordeiro LucasSalesMoreira
Software developer, with mood to learn about everything, but with a special love for back-end and embedded system development.

Cordeiro - Recife, PE - Brasil

Josias Jesus Joh-Jesus
Hello, I'm 24 years old, I'm passionate about programming. I currently work as a Mobile Flutter Developer at @idezdigital since October 2024.

Idez Digital

Julio Lemos julio-lemos
Software Engineer at @justapagamentos

@justapagamentos Recife - PE

Daniela Goulart danigoulart
💻 Engenharia de Software📍 POA~SP 🚀 27 anos

IBM São Paulo

Igor Luan (ele/dele) igorluan95
Desenvolvedor Web Java Júnior

Generation Brasil São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

Amanda Santos Amandasantos24
Desenvolvedora Back End.
Luís Barbosa LuisBarbosa99
Developer and Curious.

@justapagamentos Recife, Brasil

Daniel Jr danielmrcl
$ cat *.{java,kt,ts,go,py}

Onnitech Paraná, Brazil