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Ronan Farrell ronanj2
I'm an experienced, hard working Software Architect and Certified ScrumMaster. Always learning. Always improving.


Duyen Nguyen thuduyen07
A software test automation engineer Working on UI, API and Mobile testing using Selenium, Rest Assured and Appium.


Rajashekar Ryada ryadar
Passionated Android Developer

San Antonio, TX

Jacquawn (Kristofor) Lockhart KristoforL
Python Certified, Self teaching languages and frameworks, creating projects to make nuance task easy. I am not always coding but I usually do so at

The Big Nerd LLC Atlanta Georgia

@Rahulsharma 9Rahulsharma

Business Rohtak,haryana, India

Alexander Lazaris alexandlazaris
Jack of all trades engineer, specializing in testing and troubleshooting issues. But always revert to retro games, always.

Sydney, Australia