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Dr. Emmanuel Quarshie drayerh
Software Engineer | AWS Certified Solutions Architect | Devops Engineer | Tech Consultant with Health Background.
Caleb Bright caleb-bright
Media Coordinator at Encounter Jesus.

@encounterjesus Ashland, Ohio

Glowstudent Glowstudent777
It’s not a bug. It’s an undocumented feature!


Lionel Wilson Lionel-Wilson
💻 Full Stack Engineer


Davi Visintainer eusoudavi
I'm a Full Stack developer working with the Java language and the Spring Boot framework.

Brasília - DF

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

David Akhmedbayev davidakh
Hi my name is David, and I’m a designer and a developer. I design in Figma and Sketch and develop in Swift.

Virginia, US

Kevin Nathaniel Wijaya kevin2000141
Infrastructure Engineer - Xendit

Xendit Bandung, Indonesia

David Lemayian ✨ DavidLemayian
Maker. Founder @TeneryResearch. Helped kickstart @CodeForAfrica + @ANCIR. Fmr @icfjknightfellows supported by @gatesfoundation. @github Universe 2019 speaker.

@TeneryResearch Nairobi, Kenya

Christopher Dorst cdorst
Building @BibleTalkAI to connect people with God's Word

Bible Talk AI Oklahoma City, OK USA

Peter Muli go-isele
Telecommunications Engineer
Nathan Rios ntrios
Web Developer

Samplemed São Paulo, SP

Andreas Hoch Andy-Hoch
👋 Full-Stack Developer | 🌐 Passionate about web development & the Church | 💻 Bring Innovation and a people-first approach to coding


Kaique Moreira Logstay
Software Development Engineer

Engineering Brasil João Pessoa/Paraiba

Patrick M PatrickVM
I like building stuff. too much stuff. Currently enjoying building ai-based projects.
Marcus Gajozo marcusgajozo
Desenvolvedor full stack

Campo Grande/MS

Tait Hoglund hogtai
🖥 Cloud Engineer | ☁Certified in AWS, Terraform, & Linux | I help organizations deliver CI/CD automation solutions using 🐍 Python | GitHub | ⚓Docker | 🐳 K8s

Minnesota, USA

David Zavaleta Leyva MrDavez
... HTTP - 501

Oaxaca, Mexico

Joshua Goeke joshuagoeke
Josh is a dad learning to code so he can feed his adorable family. Hire him.

Springfield, MO

Boudjada Yasser yasserbdj96
Electromechanical engineer turned full-stack web developer & software engineer with a passion for cyber security & Arduino development.

@yasserbdj96 Jijel, Algeria

GScripts grnsmn
Electronics background, fascinated by tech and music. Dedited to Front-End developement with React Native.

@CreationDose Catania

Henry Hamon henryhamon

@bplus-tecnologia São Bento do Sul - SC

Clément Morisset morissetcl

@POTLOC Montréal

Ibukun Ekunwe drvnprgrmr
Diligent. Determined. Driven.
Chuks Jr. wachukxs
TS, JS, Java, .*SQL, PHP
